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Why 'Hustle Culture' Might Be The Biggest Con Job In Business.

Why 'Hustle Culture' Might Be The Biggest Con Job In Business.

Yes, building a business requires extremely hard work, sacrifices, and all the mental resilience that comes with it BUT gone are the days that people aspire to live in 'Hustle Culture'.

Hustle Culture requires: 

-Burn out

-Lack of self-care

-Losing connection with things that matter

-Working extreme hours with little rest

-Constantly driven by stress and adrenaline

The only person you are proving wrong is the ego. 

In today's society, we are moving into 'Freedom Culture':

-What can you do in your life to have more time and financial freedom?

-How can you work less for more income?

-How can you make quality and quantity without your health suffering from it? 

-What can you do every day that motivates you to show up that 1% more?

-How can you optimise your network around you so that you all win? 

Is 'Hustle Culture' finally over?

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