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Can you tell by this picture I was extremely depressed?

Can you tell by this picture I was extremely depressed?

In light of going into May, Mental Health Awareness Month.

Mental health is becoming a huge part of today's society and can often look invisible;

In this picture, I am leaving my house at 3 a.m, traveling all over the country, sleeping in my car some nights, hardly eating a thing, working 17-hour days, falling asleep at my desk, waking up, and continuing to work.

Dealing with thousands of clients and staff across 3 locations, expenses going through the roof, and trying to keep it together.

This picture was a real low point in my life. Darkest of thoughts, burnt out, a post picture of overcoming having allergies to anything and everything because my digestive system was so screwed.

Honestly, you can never truly explain to someone the battle of being in your own head and the strength it takes to get out of it.

For me, that realisation came with a desperate need for change—a recognition that the path I was on was unsustainable.

It meant stepping away from what no longer served me, committing to a journey of healing that would demand lifelong dedication.

Now, I am the healthiest I have ever been, with the strongest mindset, and with a story to inspire others.

I have a huge passion for what I do, which is evident in my work.

I make an income to live a life that enables me to fulfill my purpose.

I have a great connection with my clients and the most beautiful people in my life, which it has taken me years to find my 'tribe'.

What factors contributed to getting to where I am today?

-I first accepted that change was needed.

-I accepted that I could not continue like this; it was not sustainable.

-I detached myself from everyone and everything that no longer served me and had to let go of many people on the way.

-I realised that time is a great healer, and sometimes it's important to just let things be.

-I accepted that this healing would not be a short-term change; this would require a lifelong commitment. Often, change feels like you are going 10 steps back before 20 steps forward.

-I set out to find my 'people,' attending places and events where I wanted to surround myself with people I could connect with.

-I became the person I wanted and needed me.

-I educated and surrounded myself with the best.


Working on your mental health does not mean always being 'happy'. It means you can understand that humans are meant to feel the whole spectrum of emotions and that light comes with the dark.

So, if you are struggling right now with your business,

Here are three things you need to remember:

-It is ok not to be ok. Often, you need to hit rock bottom to be the best version of yourself. Every successful person has a story to tell. It keeps you humble and opens your mind in a way you can't quite explain to others.

-The power of perseverance: It's ok to change direction, fail, and acknowledge when things do not work, but do not give up.

-Stay authentic and true to you.

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